Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts

Lama Lena, teacher of Direct Mind Perception meditation (Dzogchen & Mahamudra) and lineage holder in several Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

When: June 13-15, 2025

Friday, 7PM Eastern Time
Saturday. 11AM-1PM, 4PM-6PM (maybe later)
Sunday: 11AM

Where: Lotus Light Contemplative Community Center (teaching for the first time since 2019)
501 Arthur St, Knoxville, Tn 37921

In-Person Only

What: Lama Lena will offer a Chenrezig Retreat Cycle.

How Much: Lama Lena has vowed not to charge for her teachings. However, if you are able, and you received benefit from her teachings you can make an offering (called dana) in person at Lotus Light. Or you can donate through Lama Lena’s Paypal.

Registration: Registration required.
You must attend Friday night to attend any other teachings
You must attend Saturday morning to attend any other teachings
You may stop the retreat after the 1st or 2nd teaching
If you attend Saturday afternoon, you must attend Sunday.
These restrictions are for safety, as this retreat can be quite intense.
To register, please email

Donations to Lotus Light are also always welcome.