What: Lama Karma resumes the weekly Wednesday Night Intro to Buddhism class at Lotus Light. We will be exploring Patrul Rinpoche’s “Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones,” with commentary by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. This is a wonderful text that combines the recitation of the mantra of Chenrezig, “Om Mani Padme Hung,” with a step-by-step introduction to the basics of the path, all the way through teachings on the Great Perfection. Sessions will be streamed on the Lotus Light Zoom channel.
When: Every Wednesday 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Where: At Lotus Light with Lama Karma In Person. Or on Zoom. pw: lotus
Who: You. All are welcome, including beginners. Even if you haven’t attended earlier classes in this series.
Cost: Offerings to the Lama are customary. Please offer what you can either in-person or on Lama Karma’s website below.