Online Meetings: Many of our events are in person AND online. But some are ONLY in person, or ONLY online. Please click on any of the events in the calendar below for more details. Organizers KNOXVILLE SANGHA Lotus Light LSLK MOCD REFUGE RECOVERY Special Event iCal Feed iCal feed URL Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed. Copy feed url to clipboard Download ICS file The Green Tara PracticeRecovery Dharma MeetingInsight MeditationRed Tara Mandala OfferingCommunity YogaLSLK Book GroupChenrezig SadhanaBuddhist Studies and PracticeRecovery Dharma MeetingCalm Abiding MeditationChat on the PathRecovery Dharma MeetingField Report GroupSunday Riwo SangchöRed Tara PracticeNewcomer TeaPreliminary Practices in the Tibetan TraditionZazenRecovery Dharma MeetingBasics of BuddhismMedicine Buddha PracticeMeditation on Koans and Deep ListeningSunday Green Tara PracticeWhite Tara PracticeLama Lena TBDOlder eventsNext events