Saturday, September 23rd

Join in during the 2023 Autumn Equinox for extended practice focusing on Equanimity which will include Dharma Talk, Meditation, and Q&A.  2-5pm ET facilitated by Abhaya.

In the spirit of keeping the Dharma accessible to all, there is no set fee for this offering. Lotus Light and the teacher depend on the generosity of donors to make offerings like this possible. Dana can be given at the event or online here:

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Equinox is the time when Light & Dark are in perfect balance. Equipoise (equanimity / upekkhā उपेक्षा) is exemplified by a high level of internal balance, well explained by Bhikkhu Bodhi thusly:
“The real meaning of [upekkha] is equanimity, not indifference in the sense of unconcern for others. As a spiritual virtue, upekkha means equanimity in the face of the fluctuations of worldly fortune. It is evenness of mind, unshakeable freedom of mind, a state of inner equipoise that cannot be upset by gain and loss, honor and dishonor, praise and blame, pleasure and pain. Upekkha is freedom from all points of self-reference; it is indifference only to the demands of the ego-self with its craving for pleasure and position, not to the well-being of one’s fellow human beings. True equanimity is the pinnacle of the four social attitudes that the Buddhist texts call the “divine abodes”: boundless loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic joy, and equanimity. The last does not override and negate the preceding three, but perfects and consummates them”