We will explore the story of Tara’s creation and her 21 emanations through storytelling and song. We will also explore real world female tara emanations and create a craft project to highlight the divine star within each of us.
The series will continue on the first and third Saturday of each month (with a few exceptions — so be sure to confirm here or on the lotus light calendar). Each session following the introduction will focus on one Tara and her gift.
This program is open to families of all faiths. A light snack will be provided. A suggested donation of $5-10 per session is requested to help cover the cost of craft supplies and food. Any remaining funds will be donated to the Lotus Light Center. However, donations are not required to attend.
Of course, big kids are welcome also.
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Generally, 1st and 3rd Saturdays. Check the Calendar for exceptions.
(Any amount welcomed! Minimum donation $1 for planning attendance)