News & Insights

Community Yoga

Community Yoga

Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 pmCommunity Yoga class is a time to drop into your body for healing and safety. It's a time to listen deeply and slow down to become focused and calm. This yoga class is carefully designed to be inclusive and to cater to all individuals, including...

LSLK 30th Anniversary

LSLK 30th Anniversary

Sunday, December 17, 1:30-4 pm Let's gather and celebrate Losel Shedrup Ling of the three times! All are invited to a potluck lunch at Lotus Light Contemplative Community Center to share food and memories. We will provide beverages. Please email Tom...

Poetry Night with Sangha

Poetry Night with Sangha

Friday, June 14  5:30 PMSangha members Traci Black and Noah Haverkamp Frere​ will read their original work. Afterward, we will have time for open share of a poem for anyone inspired at the time. We hope you will join us in this adventure with a heartfelt and genuine...

Thanksgiving Meditation

Thanksgiving Meditation

Just Showing Up Thursday 5 pm Lama Arek will continue the introduction to the practice of meditation on Thanksgiving evening for those who would like to come and complete the day in this way at Lotus Light No charge - donations to the teacher and Lotus Light are...

Post-Thanksgiving Potluck and Swap Meet

Post-Thanksgiving Potluck and Swap Meet

Friday, November 24, 2-6 pm Lotus Light will host a potluck and swap meet for its community members. You are welcome to come anytime between 2 & 6 pm. The gratitude circle led by AH will take place from 3-4pm. Bring a potluck dish to share and enjoy time and...

An Evening of Poetry

An Evening of Poetry

Friday, October 27, 6:30-8 pm This month, poets Wesley Sims, Diane Williams and Patricia Hope will read their own original work. Meet Our Guests Wesley Sims Wesley has published three chapbooks of poetry: When Night Comes, Finishing Line Press, Georgetown, Kentucky,...

The Basics of Buddhism

The Basics of Buddhism

Third Thursdays 6-7 pmPlease join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month for Buddhist Basics from 6-7pm ET. These sessions will consist of a short guided foundational meditation, Dharma talk on core Buddhist teachings and principles including Refuge, 4 Noble Truths, 8...

Poetry Night

Poetry Night

Friday, September 29, 6:30-8 pm This month, poets Sally Boyington, Claudia Stanek and John Mannone will read their own original work. Meet Our Guests Sally Boyington Sally has had poems, novels (most recently Rainbow Knife, 2022), book reviews, and nonfiction articles...



Saturday, September 23rd Join in during the 2023 Autumn Equinox for extended practice focusing on Equanimity which will include Dharma Talk, Meditation, and Q&A.  2-5pm ET facilitated by Abhaya. In the spirit of keeping the Dharma accessible to all, there is no...

Tashi Kyil Tour 2023

Tashi Kyil Tour 2023

  The Tashi Kyil Tour will visit Lotus Light Thursday - Sunday, September 7-10. This will be educational and fun for everyone! Lots of activities for all ages! Thursday         3:00 PM – 5:00 PM       World Peace Mandala Opening Ceremony Friday              9:30 AM –...