Lotus Light
Contemplative Community Center
Lotus Light
Contemplative Community Center
Lotus Light
Contemplative Community Center
Special Upcoming Events
New Activities!
Lu Jong | Tibetan Healing Yoga
Starting January 1, 2025 |...
Community Yoga
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30...
The Basics of Buddhism
Third Thursdays 6-7...
Lu Jong | Tibetan Healing Yoga
Starting January 1, 2025 |...
Community Yoga
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30...
The Basics of Buddhism
Third Thursdays 6-7...
Regularly Occurring Activities
Buddhist Practices | All are welcome
Buddhist Sunday Practice
Every Sunday 11:15 am
Meditation and preliminary practice, developed by Losel Shedrup Ling’s founder Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (aka Dadul Namgyal), focuses on Shakyamuni Buddha and the Heart Sutra.
This practice is open to all.
No charge – donations to the center are always welcome
Newcomer Tea
Every Sunday morning at 10:45 am
Are you interested in learning about Tibetan Buddhism? We have a time for that! Each Sunday Losel Shedrup Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center (www.lslk.org) hosts a newcomer tea and talk before the regular 11:15 preliminary practice.
Meetings in person at Lotus Light Center.
No charge – donations to the center are always welcome
Chat on the Path
6pm on Fridays – online
This is an opportunity for newcomers and experienced practitioners to have an open discussion of Buddhism. Currently Online only. All are welcome…even non-Buddhists!
Join here online!
PW: lotus
No charge
Compassion Practice
Every Wednesday at 6 pm
A Tibetan Buddhism guided practice of compassion engaging with the Bodhisattva of Compassion – Chenrezig.
This practice is usually chanted in Tibetan. You can follow along in English or join in.
Everyone is welcome.
You can also join in online!
PW: lotus
There is no charge, though you are welcome to offer donations.
Riwo Sangcho
Sunday 9:15 – 10:00 AM
In Person
Riwo Sang Chod is a fire incense offering practice which originates from within Lhatsun Namkha Jigmed’s Treasure called the Rigdzin Tsog Drup or Precious Life Force Accomplishment of the Awareness Holders.
Join in online!
PW: lotus
No charge, donations welcome.
Green Tara
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 10 am
Green Tara is a gentle female embodiment of universal compassion. She represents the virtuous, enlightened, and miraculous activity of all Buddhas.
This practice is open to all
Online Only
PW: lotus
No charge, donations welcome.
Meditation Practices
Insight Meditation
Every Monday night 7 – 8:30 pm
Knoxville Insight Meditation Sangha practices many different meditation techniques — Calm Abiding (Samatha), Insight or Mindfulness (Vipassana), and others.
No previous experience is necessary and there is no fee, though donations to Lotus Light are always appreciated.
Zen Koan Meditation and Deep Listening
First Thursdays at 6:30 pm
Koans are awakening stories that have been handed down through the Ch’an and Zen Buddhist traditions. Using koans and other objects of attention, we will explore the effect these ancient stories have on our very own lives.
Calm Abiding Meditation
2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Thursdays. 7 pm
Join Lama Arek for this introduction to the basics of the practice of meditation.
The practice is offered as an in-person session
Offerings to help support the Lama are customary – any amount welcome!
Every Sunday 4-5pm
Zazen is a meditation practice focused on sitting in silence. Good for beginners and those more experienced.
Led by Meghan Crowe who studied with Nyogen Roshi at the Hazy Moon Zen Center in Los Angeles for over two decades.
Yoga Practices | All are Welcome, including beginners
Lu Jong - Tibetan Healing Yoga
Every Wednesday at 5pm
Lu Jong is a form of Tibetan yoga as collected and modified by Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche from the ancient Lu Jong movements. These movements have been used for millennia to maintain the health of yogis and monks.
The practice is offered as an in-person, community-led session.
No previous experience is necessary and there is no fee. Donations to center are welcome.
Buddhist-Oriented Groups
Recovery Dharma
Meetings every:
Mon 5:30 pm • Weds 8:30 pm • Fri 7 pm Sunday 6pm
Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that uses traditional Buddhist teachings as an approach to healing from addiction and living a life of true freedom.
They believe recovery is rooted in finding our own inner wisdom and individual journeys. Learn more on Recovery Dharma Tennessee’s website
Meetings in person at Lotus Light Center.
No charge – donations to the center are always welcome
Buddhist Book Group
Every Tuesday night from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. In-Person and Online!
The Losel Shedrup Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center of Knoxville (LSLK) meets weekly to discuss books they are reading.
All are welcome — newcomers and long time Buddhists.
Click here to see the current book being read.
Join online here!
PW: lotus
No charge – donations to the center are always welcome
Field Report Group
Third Saturdays, 11am – 1 pm, in-person only!
The Field Report Group gets together once a month. It’s an opportunity to commune with your fellows on how your practice is going. Or isn’t going.
It starts with a short meditation or movement practice, followed by a long check-in.
Everyone is welcome, whether you have a current practice or not.
No charge – donations to the center are always welcome
Our Vision
“The Lotus Light Center embodies the Dharma for the purpose of personal and collective awakening.”
Visit Us
Knoxville, TN
Covid Guidelines
We recommend following CDC Flu, COVID and RSV guidelines.